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Ecommerce ERP Integration Explained: Features, Benefits, and Case Study (2024)

Sep 19, 2024

about 7 min read


Reimagine your business flow with ecommerce ERP integration—connecting the dots between inventory, sales, and finance for seamless growth.

Are you trying to regain control of your business system, constantly scrolling through endless lists of connections in search of solutions for your disconnected systems and run-down processes? If yes, you’re just five minutes of reading and a meeting away from making a breakthrough.

For B2B companies running complex setups and coordinating multiple teams, Ecommerce ERP integration could be the solution you've been searching for. This integration ties together key areas—inventory, sales, finance, and customer management—into a single, streamlined system that can help clear the clutter and drive smoother growth.

In this article, we'll explore how ERP integration with Ecommerce works, its benefits, and how it can empower your B2B business to scale and thrive.

What is ERP Integration With Ecommerce?

Ecommerce ERP integration is the process of connecting an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system with an online store to streamline business operations. 

This integration allows for seamless data flow between the ERP system and the eCommerce platform, ensuring that information such as inventory levels, order details, and customer data are synchronized in real-time.

what is ecommerce erp integration

Additionally, it reduces manual data entry errors, speeds up order fulfillment, and provides accurate, up-to-date information for better decision-making. Additionally, it helps in maintaining a consistent customer experience across online and offline channels by ensuring that product availability and pricing are always current.

How Does Ecommerce ERP Integration Work?

1. System integration

The ERP system manages core business functions like inventory, finance, and human resources, serving as the backend infrastructure. The eCommerce platform handles the customer-facing aspects, such as product display, checkout, and order processing.

For example, when a customer places an order online, the details automatically update in the ERP system for processing and inventory management.

Common technologies used in this area include:

  • Ruby on Rails: Often used to build complex structures and APIs that handle business logic and data management.
  • React and React Native: React is used for building dynamic user interfaces on the web, while React Native can be used for mobile app development, both enhancing the eCommerce user experience.

2. Data sources

Integration typically happens through cloud-based or hybrid solutions. Cloud-based integrations offer real-time updates and accessibility from anywhere, while hybrid solutions combine on-premises systems with cloud-based services to balance control and flexibility. 

Both methods ensure that your eCommerce and ERP systems stay in sync, providing accurate information for decision-making and order fulfillment.

For handling large volumes of unstructured data, MongoDB and Express are our go-to databases, which can be beneficial for managing extensive eCommerce product catalogs and customer data.

3. Methods

There are several methods for integrating ERP and eCommerce systems:

  • Point-to-Point Integration involves direct connections between ERP and eCommerce, custom-built but challenging to scale.
  • Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) acts as a central hub that facilitates communication and data exchange between various systems.
  • Integration Platform as a Service (IPaaS) is a cloud-based solution with pre-built connectors, simplifying integration with ready-to-use tools.
  • Third-Party Integrators are external service providers like Golden Owl’s ERP service  that specialize in system integration. We offer cloud-based solutions to connect ERP and eCommerce platforms, handling the complexities of integration on your behalf. Find out how we can support you!

4. Visibility

Integrating ERP with eCommerce helps gaining a unified view of your business operations. This integration helps you track orders, manage inventory, and analyze performance in one place, improving decision-making and operational control.

Main Features of Ecommerce ERP Integration

  1. Real-Time Data Synchronization: Keeps inventory, orders, and customer information updated instantly across systems.
  2. Order Processing: Streamlines order creation, processing, and fulfillment by automating workflows.
  3. Inventory Management: Manages stock levels across multiple channels from a single system.
  4. Financial Management: Syncs sales, payments, and refunds for accurate accounting and reporting.
  5. Customer Data Management: Consolidates customer information for better service and personalized marketing.
  6. Reporting and Analytics: Integrates data for comprehensive insights into sales, inventory, and financials.
  7. Return and Refund Handling: Manages returns and refunds smoothly, keeping inventory and financials updated.
  8. Scalability and Flexibility: Adapts to business growth and changes, ensuring continued effectiveness.

Is ERP-Integrated eCommerce Right for Your Business? Key Factors to Consider

To determine if ERP-integrated eCommerce would work for your current system, consider these key questions:

Is the ERP solution and Ecommerce system compatible? 

Assess if your ERP and eCommerce systems can integrate smoothly. Look into whether there are existing APIs or connectors available for your platforms. Most modern systems offer integration options, but outdated software might need extra custom development.

What are your current pain points? 

Identify areas where you're facing inefficiencies—such as manual data entry, frequent stockouts, or pricing discrepancies. If you're spending too much time or resources on these tasks, integration could help automate them and eliminate repetitive manual processes.

Can your systems scale together?

Evaluate your business growth plans. If you're expanding, managing more SKUs, or dealing with higher order volumes, ERP integration ensures your systems can scale together without major disruptions.

What is the cost vs. benefit of integration?

Weigh the cost of integration against the potential savings. For example, faster processing, reduced errors, and better inventory control can significantly cut operational costs. Many businesses see a return on investment within a year of integrating.

Do you need flexibility for customization? 

If your business has complex pricing, discounting, or workflow needs, integrated systems can automate these processes. Customizable solutions are often more flexible in managing specific business models, helping you maintain accuracy without adding complexity.

B2Bs Prefer ERP-Ecommerce  Integration To Solve Operational Chaos, But Why?

More and more B2B companies are turning to ERP-eCommerce integration to tackle operational challenges. But what is the reason behind this shift? From our observations and experience, this particular tactic directly addresses some of the most pressing issues in managing medium to large-scale operations, while being capable of cutting down operation costs in the long-term.

As we’ve discussed, ERP-integrated eCommerce automates data transfer between your eCommerce site and ERP system, reducing manual work and errors. However, under the iceberg, there's even more to it.

For businesses dealing with extensive product catalogs and high transaction volumes, this integration handles these challenges effortlessly. It scales with your operations, adapting to increased demands and evolving market conditions without causing major disruptions.

why b2b companies prefer ecommerce erp integration solution

ERP-eCommerce integration also simplifies managing complex pricing and discount structures, allowing you to offer customized solutions that fit your business model. This flexibility can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, driving repeat business and even improving your bottom line.

In terms of costs, while  ERP solutions can be a significant investment, ranging from $150,000 to over $1 million, the long-term benefits can eventually outweigh the initial cost. According to Aberdeen Group, companies that integrate ERP and eCommerce systems experience a 20% reduction in operational costs and a 25% improvement in order accuracy. This offset the initial investment  and enhanced customer satisfaction, making ERP integration a strategic investment for businesses seeking to optimize operations ROI and drive growth.

Case Study: How Golden Owl Solutions Tackled Multi-Layered Compliance Services into a Centralized Operational System

In 2020, we received an email from a client from Malaysia, who was, and is still currently, running a streamlined online platform designed to facilitate the establishment and management of companies in the country. 

Their services span company registration, legal assistance, secretarial duties, and accounting, all aimed at keeping businesses compliant with local regulations. Additionally, their platform offers 24/7 document access and automated compliance reminders, alongside exclusive benefits and a supportive community for startups.

The challenges they were facing include:

  1. Service Integration: Harmonizing various modules into one cohesive platform while maintaining precise data synchronization.
  2. Real-Time Access: Ensuring round-the-clock document accessibility and automated reminders for compliance deadlines required a robust system.

Therefore, to deal with these problems, we chose a tech stack of: 

  • React Native for mobile applications; 
  • React for web applications; 
  • NodeJS for backend;
  • MongoDB with Express for the database. 

React shines in cross-platform development, offering near-native performance and smooth, responsive user interfaces. NodeJS integrates seamlessly with the backend, while MongoDB and Express provide robust database management. This stack offers flexibility, scalability, and performance, making it an ideal choice for our development needs.

ERP solutions that we’ve delivered:

✅ Integrated services: Combines company secretarial, accounting, and tax services into a single, unified platform.

✅ Document access: Provides 24/7 online access to essential company documents for your convenience.

✅ Automated compliance: Effortlessly manages statutory compliance by sending timely reminders for critical deadlines.

✅ Incorporation services: Streamlines the process of incorporating a company in Malaysia with ease.

This solution allowed the client to streamline operations, improve compliance management, and support business growth in a competitive market.

Elevate Your Business Operational Control with ERP-integrated Ecommerce Solution

Ecommerce ERP integration is a smart move for boosting your business efficiency. It connects your eCommerce operations with your ERP system, creating a unified approach to managing sales, inventory, and finances. 

This integration simplifies complex processes, reduces mistakes, and adapts as your business grows. It’s a powerful tool that not only boosts efficiency but also frees you to concentrate on expanding your business and delivering outstanding service to your clients.

Ready to transform how you manage your business? Our ERP solutions streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and provide real-time insights. Experience seamless integration, automated processes, and improved scalability tailored to your needs.

Set a meeting with us today to see how our ERP solutions can drive your business forward and bring order to your operational chaos!


Q1. How does ERP fit with Ecommerce?

ERP systems integrate with Ecommerce by centralizing business processes like inventory, finance, and sales into one system. This ensures data flows seamlessly between online sales and backend operations, streamlining order processing and inventory management.

Q2. Why is it important for the company to integrate Ecommerce and ERP?

Integrating Ecommerce with ERP is crucial as it automates data transfer, reduces manual errors, improves accuracy, and enhances efficiency. This integration helps in managing orders, inventory, and financials more effectively, supporting better decision-making and customer satisfaction.

Q3. What Ecommerce platforms can integrate with ERP?

Popular Ecommerce platforms that can integrate with ERP include Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce. These integrations help synchronize online sales with backend operations for improved management and efficiency.


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